In the media

Mark Dickinson on the wider value of minimum wage agreements in the ETUC’s Equal Times






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Y en español.

Mark Dickinson reports on the negotiations’ conclusion in the Morning Star.









The Daily Mirror marks the start of negotiations








Putting the minimum wage campaign in the context of broader trades union campaigning on the TUC’s website.






Mark Dickinson making the case for Fair Pay At Sea in the Morning Star









A ringing endorsement of our campaign from Sea News









Good write up in World Maritime News









An excellent piece on the plight of marooned seafarers and the issues that arise through Britain’s Government favouring maritime deregulation – by Polly Toynbee in The Guardian (UK) on 4 September 2018.








A fascinating Long Read in The Guardian about the economic underpinning of minimum wages and the ‘Fight For $15’ campaign in the United states.









Mark Dickinson writes in Maritime Executive